The Linux distro ranking based on number of packages


I am looking for hard data for at least top 10 Linux distro or (better) an address of a web page which keeps such data and (maybe) updates it from time to time (after all repositories are public to view).

The criteria is — the number of native (rpm for SUSE, deb for Ubuntu, etc.) packages programs, libraries, and available in repositories (not on install CD/DVD). For example library counts as 1, not as 10 just because there are 10 packages (ARM, Intel, SPARC, etc.) of it.

Thank you in advance.

If you are interested why I am asking about this. Well, I am a bit tired searching repo, finding out there is no package, downloading zip/gz/bz2 of it, finding out how to make an rpm (in case of top layer software of another software, for example Rattle, it is not trivial task), and finally installing it. So it would be good for me to consider other distros which are higher in such ranking.

Best Answer

Well, here you find some information, I don't know if accurate or not, I suspect not too much.

Anyway, each major Linux distribution has almost everything one can ever need. What is missing are essentially niche applications, or applications that in some way cannot be packaged.

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