The easiest way to install Meld on RedHat Linux RHEL 5.4


My company has RedHat RHEL 5.4 on the Linux box, and I need to install Meld on it. How can it be done?

$  sudo yum install meld
No package meld available.
Nothing to do

$  sudo yum search meld
No Matches found

The website has the download but there is no instructions on how to install it, and the website has meld-1.1.5-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm and meld-1.1.5-1.rf.src.rpm Are they the ones to be used for RHEL 5.4 (not the src one?) and how to install it — is it by using rpm? Can you give the exact lines on the command lines. Thanks.

Best Answer

Download the file you want to install.

Then: yum install "whatever_the_filename_is"

If the package is not signed: yum –nogpgcheck install "whatever_the_filename_is"

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