Locale – Difference Between LANG=C and LC_ALL=C


I like to disable all locale specific differences in shell scripts. What is the preferred way to do it?


Best Answer

LANG sets the default locale, i.e. the locale used when no more specific setting (LC_COLLATE, LC_NUMERIC, LC_TIME etc.) is provided; it doesn’t override any setting, it provides the base value. LC_ALL on the other hand overrides all locale settings.

Thus to override scripts’ settings, you should set LC_ALL.

You can check the effects of your settings by running locale. It shows the calculated values, in quotes, for all locale categories which aren’t explicitly set; in your example, LANG isn’t overriding LC_NUMERIC, it’s providing the default value. If LC_ALL and LC_NUMERIC aren’t set in the environment, the locale is taken from LANG, and locale shows that value for LC_NUMERIC, as indicated by the quotes.

See the locales manpage and the POSIX definitions of environment variables for details. See also How does the "locale" program work?

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