Process Terminology – Difference Between a Job and a Process


What is the difference between a "job" and a "process"?

Best Answer

A process is any running program with its own address space.

A job is a concept used by the shell - any program you interactively start that doesn't detach (ie, not a daemon) is a job. If you're running an interactive program, you can press CtrlZ to suspend it. Then you can start it back in the foreground (using fg) or in the background (using bg).

While the program is suspended or running in the background, you can start another program - you would then have two jobs running. You can also start a program running in the background by appending an "&" like this: program &. That program would become a background job. To list all the jobs you are running, you can use jobs.

For more information on jobs, see this section of the bash man page.

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