Terminal to display from top to down


Is there a terminal or terminal emulator, or maybe a shell, that would display the latest line always on top, and the remaining lines in ascending timestamps? Just like a normal terminal only upside down.

It bothers me that as I work on the commandline, the most significant area I need to pay attention to is always on the bottom of my screen, thus forcing me to always have my head tilted down. And I work a lot on the terminal (multiple hours a day).

The normal way is that the oldest line is always on the top of the screen, and the newest line (that I'm working on) is on the bottom. What I need would be reverse – the oldest line is on the bottom, the newest line would be on top.

I tried googling and searching stackexchange, but the only thing I can find is top-down terminals like tilda or guake, which is not what I'm looking for.

Best Answer

Interesting question... As a dirty workaround, you can install terminator with

sudo apt-get install terminator

Then open two tiled consoles with Ctrl + Shift + O

On the top left icon, expand the menu and sellect "Broadcast all". Now resize the top terminal to be one line high. The commands you write in the top terminal will be broadcasted to the rest of terminals. This way, you will always write on the top line and the results will appear in the bottom terminal.

This is not very useful because you will have to move your eyes from top to bottom all the time. But maybe someone can point how to automatically run "clear" before any command you type. This would make it a bit easier to read.

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