Tcp6 in the output netstat


What does column 'tcp6' mean on output netstat?
Please anyone explain the follow output of netstat:

tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 21393/apache2

What does tcp6 mean?

Best Answer

tcp6 simply means TCP protocol over IP v6.

tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 21393/apache2

As from the netstat manual:

  • tcp6: The protocol used. Here it is TCP over IPv6

  • 0: The count of bytes not copied by the user program connected to this socket.

  • 0: The count of bytes not acknowledged by the remote host. Local Address

  • Address and port number of the local end of the socket. Unless the (-n) option is specified, the socket address is resolved to its canonical host name (FQDN), and the port number is translated into the corresponding service name.

  • Address and port number of the remote end of the socket.

  • ESTABLISHED: The state of the socket. The state ESTABLISHED means the socket has an established connection.

  • 21393/apache2: Slash-separated pair of the process id (PID) and process name of the process that owns the socket.

To sum up: your local apache2 process (pid= 21393), listening on the standard www port (80) has established a TCP (over IPv6) connection with the remote host on port 49964 (unresolved IPv6 address which is a link-local IPv6 address: an address that a computer assigns itself in order to facilitate local communications).

For more about IPv6:

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