Tar – How to List Files Only with Tar


Fun fact: If you use Archive Manager and extract a .tar.gz so that you have "Keep directory structure" unticked, you will get a tarbomb.

tar -ztf lists all the files and directories in a tar file.
Is there a way to list all the files in a tar file, without the directory structure?

Best Answer

I don't see a way to do it from the man page, but you can always filter the results. The following assumes no newlines in your file names:

tar tzf your_archive | awk -F/ '{ if($NF != "") print $NF }'

How it works

By setting the field separator to /, the last field awk knows about ($NF) is either the file name if it's processing a file name or empty if it's processing a directory name (tar adds a trailing slash to directory names). So, we're basically telling awk to print the last field if it's not empty.

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