Tail -f a file for 10 minutes / until N matching lines


I've got a log file that I process as follows:

grep pattern /var/log/whatever.log | \
    cut ... | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | \

However, the log file is quite big, and records events from the beginning of the day. It's also appended to constantly. I'd like to only process the last next 10 minutes of the file.

So I'm looking for something like the following:

killafter 600 tail -f /var/log/whatever.log | stuff

Or, better yet (wait however long it takes to capture 1000 matching lines):

tail -f /var/log/whatever.log | grep pattern | stopafter -lines 1000 | stuff

Are there any tools that'll let me do this?

Best Answer

roaima rightly points you at the timeout command, and head actually terminates after it has read the desired number of lines, so I would hope that with

timeout 600s tail -f ‹logfile› | ‹filter› | head -n 1000

you'd get there.

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