System-wide keyboard emulation of mouse scroll

keyboard shortcutsmouse

I would like to emulate mouse scrolling through a keyboard shortcut. What I mean by that is whether I have a browser or terminal open, I want to be able to scroll through it exactly the same way I would scroll using my mouse.

I know that many terminals allow to scroll using Ctrl+Page Up/Down, however it still would not be what I'm looking for, as I need single line scroll, working not only in a terminal but in all of the applications. I have a trackpad which supports scrolling on my laptop and a USB mouse which also supports scrolling.

I am using Ubuntu Linux LTS 14.04.

Best Answer

You can inject input events with xdotool. You can invoke commands on a key press with xbindkeys. Put something like this in your ~/.xbindkeysrc:

"xdotool click 4"
"xdotool click 5"
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