System Tray Icons on Xmonad – Xmobar Or any other minimal status bar


I am using slack desktop client on my Arch Linux. I am using Xmonad Window manager along with the Xmobar status bar.

On other Desktop environments, for example XFCE, the Slack Desktop client shows a small Icon (System tray icons) on the status bar, which is really helpful.

( Screenshots below are of Slack on XFCE )

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

But I like to use Xmonad with Xmobar (which looks like this -> )

enter image description here

Is there any way to get the slack icon on xmobar?

If not, is there any good, simple and minimal status bar which I could use on Xmonad?

Best Answer

Finally, with the help of nice people on #xmonad IRC channel, I got the solution

enter image description here

Here is how :

First I resized the xmobar to leave a small gap on Right side (editing xmobarrc)

position = Static { xpos = 0, ypos = 0, width = 1346, height = 20 },

Use the package stalonetray

sudo pacman -S stalonetray

Configure stalonetray with ~/.stalonetrayrc file

decorations none
transparent false
dockapp_mode none
geometry 1x1-0+0
background "#000000"
kludges force_icons_size
grow_gravity NW
icon_gravity NW
icon_size 18
sticky true
#window_strut none
window_type dock
window_layer bottom
no_shrink false
skip_taskbar true

Finally, added it to .xintrc

You can even configure it to show multiple system tray icons

enter image description here

Thats it :)

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