Syncing multiple home folders with dropbox and symlinks


To keep multiple computers synced with dropbox I tried the following.

Approach A.

-Computer 1: Install dropbox, dropbox folder: /Dropbox/
-Computer 1: Create symbolic link in that folder to home folder

   $ln -s /home/ /Dropbox/

-Computer 2: Install dropbox, dropbox folder: /Dropbox/ (got populated with files from computer 1
-Computer 2: Try to overwrite the files with symbolic links to identical local files

$ln -sfn /home/ /Dropbox/
  ln: `/Dropbox/home': cannot overwrite directory

So that approach fails, does anyone have a suggestion to fix the error?
Or another approach? The approaches I have come up so far:

Approach B. I could write a script to recursively symlink all the files but I would rather not go that direction since then I would have to run that script in order to pickup on new files.

Approach C. Use rsync to sync between the home and dropbox folder. I would not like that since then it is not automatically updated, you would have to call rsync to do that. And putting rsync in a cronjob that runs each minute seems not like a ideal solution.

Can someone help me with fixing approach A or coming up with approach D or convincing me of approach B or C ?

Best Answer

Is there really no possible way to specify which directory you want Dropbox to operate on? You can't just tell Dropbox to use /home?

If not, you could try skipping symlinks entirely and use several bind mounts to accomplish this. In other words:

mount --bind /home /Dropbox

on both computers.

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