Support for usb 3.0


I could not seem to find the question here but I was wondering what experience if any users have had with USB 3.0?

My asus p5x58d has usb 3 on it but I have yet to try it out and also do not know much in terms of support.

I feel this is best as a community wiki where we can share experience on USB 3.0.

This article discussed briefly linux and usb 3.

Let the comments flow…

Best Answer

Do an lspci from a root prompt. Do you see anything about "USB 3.0" host adapter in that list? If so, you should enjoy the same support from USB 3.0 devices that Linux provides for USB 2.0 and USB 1.1, which ranges from "Works great!" to "I had to do a bunch of crazy stuff in udev to get this to do what I want" to "There's only Windows drivers for this!".

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