Sum in block with AWK (restart the sum when the pattern changes)


I have a file like this:

A 100
A 200
A 300 #sum=600
B 400
B 500 #sum=900
A 600
A 700
A 800 #sum=2100

I would like the output to be:

A 600
B 900
A 2100
C sum_of_C
D sum_of_D

I can do that with for, sed, grep and awk.

However because I am learning awk, I would like to write an awk script. So far I have:

if (${NR {print $1}} == ${NR-1 {print $1}}) 
  print $0"\t"sum
  print $0"\t"sum

awk -f awkscript file was not successful. What is the solution?

Best Answer

I'm not completely sure what your if is trying to do there. NR is the number of records; use NF for the number of fields, if that's what you're aiming for. You can't put {} blocks in the middle of things like that.

I think what you're aiming for is to compare the value of a field in this line with a field in the previous line, printing out the sum when we reach a new "group" of data. If that's the case, this script will do what you want and I think equates pretty much to what you were aiming for:

    if (last && $1 != last) {
        print last, sum
        sum = 0
    sum = sum + $2
    last = $1
    print last, sum

We make a new variable last to hold the value of the first field ($1) on the previous line. We'll use that to track which group we're looking at.

  • For every line (because we have { ... } at the top level), we first test whether a) last is set (because we don't want to print anything on the very first line), and b) the value of the first field is different than last. If it is, we print out the value of last, a space (because of ,), and the sum we've calculated. (If you want a tab, use "\t" in quotes like you had)
  • After printing, we reset sum to zero.
  • Either way, we add the value of the second field ($2) to sum.
  • For every line, we save the first field (our group) into last, so we can use it for comparison on the next line.
  • Finally, we want to print out the last group as well. For that, we use an END { ... } block. It runs right at the end of the program when we run out of data. We print out the sum and the group we're working with just like we did before.

If I run:

awk -f sum.awk < data

with your data file, I get this output:

A 600
B 900
A 2100

as desired.

There are simpler ways to do this, both in awk and otherwise. In particular, we can replace the body above with:

last && $1 != last {
    print last, sum
    sum = 0
    sum = sum + $2
    last = $1

Here we use awk's conditional block syntax rather than an explicit if test: the behaviour of this program is identical to the one above, but it's more idiomatic. It's not hugely different in this example, but it's useful to know about if you're learning awk.

If the file example you gave is literally what it is, with #sum= lines (or similar), you can use this script:

    sum = sum + $2
    if (NF == 3) {
        print $1, sum
        sum = 0

For every line, this adds the value of the second field to the sum variable. On lines that have exactly three fields (NF == 3), we print out our total, and reset sum to zero.

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