Sudo permissions by ldap groups via nslcd


I have a problem with my sudo permissions in an MS ActiveDirectory to Debian LDAP authentication/authorization setup.

What I have so far
I've configured nslcd with libpam-ldap via ldaps and ssh login is working great.

getent passwd myuser

On my ActiveDirectory Server, the Unix Package is installed which adds the necessary attributes like posixGroup, posixAccount, gid, gidNumber, uid, uidNumber and so on.

My example user looks like this:
(I choose 10000+ to be on the safe side)

cn: myuser
uid: myuser
uidNumber: 10015
gidNumber: 10000

I can restrict SSH logins by adding the following to /etc/nslcd.conf

filter passwd (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|(memberOf=CN=group1,OU=groups,DC=domain,DC=com)(memberOf=CN=group2,OU=groups,DC=domain,DC=com)))

This specifies that only users with objecClass=posixAccount and group either group1 or group2 can login.

So far so good. However, I can't tell sudo to use those groups.

Here is what I tried
in /etc/sudoers

// This one works, but only because the user has gidNumber=10000 set. 
// It doesn't matter if a group with this ID actually exist or not. 
// So it's not really permission by LDAP group.
%#10000 ALL=(root) ALL

// This is what I want, but it doesn't work.
%group1 ALL=(root) ALL

The Problem
Somehow I need to tell sudo to take the requesting username, check what ldap-groups it belongs to and then see if the permissions for that group are sufficient to execute the command or not.

Unfortuntely I have no idea where to start. Everything else works so far and I'm only stuck with sudo permissions. I thought about mapping the users gidNumber field to the groups gidNumber field but I don't know if mapping a user field to a group field is even possible.

I don't think so, since mapping in nslcd is specified like this

map passwd field1 field2

and passwd tells nslcd that it has to mapp user fields. Instead of passwd I could use groups, but not both of them.

Best Answer

Sorry about the long post, but it seems to work. I just had a typo in sudoers file. Took me a bit long to find it though, since the syntax was still correct but I couldn't execute any commands.

However, it's working now.

 // Problem was that one ALL was missing, allowing me to execute no root cmds.
 %group1 ALL=(root) !/bin/su

 // Fixed it
 %group1 ALL=(root) ALL, !/bin/su

Update: I realized a bit late but I also changed the following in /etc/nsswitch.conf

sudoers:        ldap files

I just didn't think it was the fix because I still had the above mentioned sudoers typo.

Problem solved :)

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