Sudo – impersonating a user


I am trying to use the sudo command and sudoers file correctly so that I can run a command as another user.

I have my sudoers file set up as follows:

beans ALL = (root,apache) NOPASSWD: /opt/renovations/var/script-*.sh

root, apache, and beans are part of the group beans.
Also /opt has 755 permissions, while the /opt/renovations directory and it's sub-directories are owned by the beans user and group.

The command I'm trying to run as beans is:

sudo -n -u apache -i /opt/renovations/var/  

-n: is so that I'm not prompted for a password, as this will be run by a cron
-u: is so that I can impersonate the apache user
-i: is so that I simulate a login, and my .profile is loaded. I need this so that I access the environment variables in .profile.

The problem is that when I run the sudo command, I get the following message:

sudo: sorry, a password is required to run sudo

I've tried running this both on AIX and Ubuntu, but the problem is on both systems. This works if I run:

sudo -n -u apache /opt/renovations/var/

But without the -i, my environment does not contain all of the environment variables that I need to be there.

Is there something I need to update in my sudoers file so that this is possible?

Best Answer

So as you said yourself @krzysto, the solution is to add the following to the sudoers file

beans ALL = (root,apache) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ksh -c /opt/renovations/var/script-*.sh 
beans ALL = (root,apache) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/bash -c /opt/renovations/var/script-*.sh

The next piece that is missing is to make sure that the group has execute permissions on the scripts, so that you can execute them.

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