Substituting the first occurrence of a pattern in a line, for all the lines in a file with sed

regular expressionsed

Is it possible to do it in one liner?

I have an output like this:

"First line" - Description  
" Second line" - Description  
"Third line" - Description  
" Fourth line" - Description  

This input is generated automatically.

I want to replace the first occurrence of " (quotation mark + space) with " (quotation mark) for each line. If I apply the substitution globally, it will also change every occurrence of line" - to line"-, so I was wondering if it is possible to use a sed one liner to accomplish this.

I have tried using ^ like this

sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/(\^\" )/\"/g'

But it's not working, it doesn't replace anything. I tried

sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/(^|\" )/\"/g'

and it replaces all the occurrences. I've just started to use sed, so I don't really know if I'm doing something wrong.

What am I missing here?

Best Answer

You're overthinking it. sed replaces only the first instance on a line by default (without the /g modifier), although you still want to anchor because you don;t so much want the first instance in the line as the one at the start of the line; and you usually don't need the explicit line actions you're trying to use (why?).

sed 's/^" /"/'
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