Stty: : Invalid argument


I am telnet-ing into a Solaris machine and I'm getting the above error with my scripts. I realize this is a common problem, and the solution is to check for the line 'stty erase ^H' within my profile, but I can't find it.

.profile doesn't have any references to stty, and I don't have a .cshrc anywhere. I performed a grep in my home directory, but I came up with nothing.

Is there another source of this problem? All the solutions online refer to either .profile or .cshrc. Thanks.

Best Answer

I had this, it was an stty in .kshrc. Remember that .kshrc is sourced on all ksh scripts, interactive and non interactive. If you run a script, stty will still fire, try to work on stdin, which is a file (not a tty now) and fail with an error.

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