Stream Youtube with mpv starting at an arbitrary point later in the video


I prefer streaming Youtube videos via mpv,


However, for long videos sometimes the audio breaks down in the middle, leaving error messages like

[ffmpeg] tls: Error in the pull function.

Restarting the video is starting it from the beginning. How can I either directly in the command line start from, let's say, minute 30, or alternatively jump in the mpv interface to minute 30 without pressing 30 times the up button (which also has issues if done too fast)?

I haven't found an answer related to that issue in the man page. Is it possible at all?

Also alternative suggestions for streaming are welcome.

Best Answer

You can use --start=MM:SS to start your video at MM minutes SS seconds.

For example:

mpv --start=45:00 '<video-id>'

Will start the video at 45 minutes.

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