Stop cron sending mail for backup script


I have set up a backup script to back up world data on my Minecraft server hourly using cron, but because the worlds being constantly edited by players, tar was telling me that files changed while they were read. I added –ignore-command-error to the tar in the script and that suppresses any errors when I run it manually, however cron still sends a mail message saying that files were changed while being read, and ends up flooding my mail because it's run once an hour. Anyone know how to fix this? This is the script:

filename=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
cd /home/minecraft/Server/
for world in survival survival_nether survival_the_end creative superflat
if [ ! -d "/home/minecraft/backups/$world" ]; then
mkdir /home/minecraft/backups/$world
find /home/minecraft/backups/$world -mtime +1 -delete
tar --ignore-command-error -c $world/ | nice -n 10 pigz -9 > /home/minecraft/backups/$world/$filename.tar.gz

Best Answer

Cron will attempt to send an email with any output that may have occurred when the command was run. From cron's man page:

When executing commands, any output is mailed to the owner of the crontab (or to the user specified in the MAILTO environment variable in the crontab, if such exists). Any job output can also be sent to syslog by using the -s option.

So to disable it for a specific crontab entry just capture all of the commands output and either direct it to a file or to /dev/null.

30 * * * * >/dev/null 2>&1
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