Sshfs – can’t unmount the point


I mounted a folder on a remote machine using sshfs, but didn't specify -o allow_other flag thus can't access the mounted directory.

When I try to mount over with -o allow_other option sshfs gives me this error:

mount: according to mtab, xxx is already mounted on yyy

To allow mounting over existing mount points I specified -o nonempty – but with no luck – got the same error as above.

When I try to unmount the mount point:

fusermount -u mountpoint

I get the error:

entry for yyy not found in /etc/mtab

So, what do I do to unmount the incorrectly mounted point?

Best Answer

If the filesystem is already mounted and you need to change the mount options, you must remount the filesystem. You can either umount then mount or you can use the remount option to mount. Here is an example:

mount -t sshfs -o remount,allow_other foo:/bar /some/path
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