Sshfs always asking for password in fstab


I'm trying to enter an sshfs mount in /etc/fstab with the following line:

sshfs#oli@ /media/ExtHD fuse     defaults,nonempty,allow_other 0 0

So that this volume is mounted at boot. After booting up, nothing happens, but when I use the command sudo mount -a, I am always prompted for the password. I have set up SSH Keys and transferred them over to the computer at, and can log in to regular ssh with no pasword. How can I stop fuse from asking for my password so that the volume can be automatically mounted at boot time?

If it helps at all, I am trying to connect to a home server running Debian from a laptop running Arch Linux.

Best Answer

Key-based authentication can only work if the ssh process can find your key. You presumably have your key in your home directory; but you've never told sshfs where to look for a key. At boot time, it would be root mounting all filesystems, therefore the key must be either in /root/.ssh or referenced in /root/.ssh/config.

I recommend mounting the filesystem after you've logged in, and as your own user. Put this in a script that's executed when you log in:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/name_of_key.id_rsa
sshfs homeserver:/media/usb0 ~/exthd

Put an alias called homeserver in your ~/.ssh/config:

Host homeserver
User oli
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