SSH – Fix X11 Not Forwarding ($DISPLAY Not Set)


I am running CentOS/RHEL 6 and having the same issues as described in the referenced question below.

I have tried all of the settings suggested in this almost identical question, but to no avail.

On the server-side I have the following sshd_config settings:

X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10

xauth is installed on the server, and after successfully connecting over SSH I do get a MAGIC-COOKIE in ~/.Xauthority. I do not get any xauth related errors.

When I ssh in using -X (and add verbosity for troubleshooting -vvv), I successfully connect. When I try to run xclock it fails with an error of "Can't open display: localhost:10.0". This is a STDOUT error and not an error from the ssh -vvv. I do NOT receive any failed X11 attempts in ssh.

Then I try to verify the $DISPLAY variable, but get no output (it's not set).

It there some other setting somewhere that sets $DISPLAY properly? In this particular case, I can force the setting export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0, which then returns correctly after running echo $DISPLAY. Unfortunately, I still do NOT get any X-Windows program (e.g., xlcock) to come back. I still get the "Can't open display: localhost:10.0" error.

I'm at a loss. Any suggestions? Anything else that can set $DISPLAY during an SSH session?

Best Answer

Turns out the guidance here is correct.

However, I did run into a unique issue that may help others. I started troubleshooting with -vvv and because there was so much data, I missed a critical warning (lesson learned is to start broader (-v)). The host key for the server changed (new build) and I disabled key checking in my ssh_config, so because it was a mismatched key X11 forwarding was disabled by SSH.

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