Ssh – what is the required ports to be opened on the firewall


Currently I'll be installing one AIX server behind a firewall, I just asked to open port 443 to use the SSH protocol to access this UNIX server.

I already changed the default ssh port to be 443 instead of 22 to log in and manage the server.

My question: is this enough to access and manage this server which is behind the firewall or is there any additional ports that should be included in the firewall rules?

Best Answer

This is security by obscurity, and you have chosen a port that in my experience is more often scanned. Just leave ssh on port 22 and get that opened. If you do plan to use security by obscurity, it is best not to pick a well known port. Scanning rates on them tends to be higher than other ports.

An alternative approach is to ssh into an already accessible system and connect from there. ssh can be programmed to automatically forward you to another system.

The only ports that need to be open to any network are those that are used. The list of outbound ports is usually different than inbound. You may want to retrieve patches from your vendor (often on port 80), while not allowing incoming HTTP requests.

Email should generally go to a relay server which will route it appropriately.