Ssh – UID/GID with sshfs of Linux FUSE


mkdir ~/mnt/2letter
echo PASSWORD | sshfs -o password_stdin www-data@localhost:/var/www/sites/2letter ~/mnt/2letter -o sshfs_sync,cache=no,password_stdin

After this:

$ ls -ld ~/mnt/2letter/
drwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 28 21:29 /home/porton/mnt/2letter/

I need to access /home/porton/mnt/2letter/ under my UID (porton) not as www-data, because I am not allowed by file system permissions to modify www-data owner files, but need to edit them.

Moreover it seems to have been working with the correct UID with older versions of Linux. Why doesn't it work now?

Best Answer

Try chucking in the two following options

-o idmap=user,uid=<YOUR UID>
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