SSH – Tunnel Without Shell on SSH Server


I have to set up a tunnel between two hosts.

For this I use ssh in this way:


after that, I log in to my SSH_SERVER.

How can I avoid this feature?!
I have only to set up a tunnel. I don't have to login into my SSH_SERVER…

I've tried the -N option, but it kept my shell busy.

Best Answer

As said in other posts, if you don't want a prompt on the remote host, you must use the -N option of SSH. But this just keeps SSH running without having a prompt, and the shell busy.

You just need to put the SSH'ing as a background task with the & sign :

ssh -N -L 8080:ww.xx.yy.zz:80 user@server &

This will launch the ssh tunnelling in the background. But some messages may appear, especially when you try to connect to a non-listening port (if you server apache is not launched). To avoid these messages to spawn in your shell while doing other stuff, you may redirect STDOUT/STDERR to the big void :

ssh -N -L 8080:ww.xx.yy.zz:80 user@server >/dev/null 2>&1 & 

Have fun with SSH.