Ssh – systemd service that needs .ssh/id_dsa password


I have a systemctl service that starts a process smd-loop in a screen session. This process requires acces to remote SSH sources (for syncing purposes) and thus needs to be able to access my id_dsa private key.

How can I set up the systemd service so that it will work? The following service starts the process correctly but requires me to attach to the screen session and manually type in the id_dsa password.

Description=smd loop

ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -S smd-loop-win -md "smd-loop"

When I manually start smd-loop the id_dsa password is not required since I've insalled the pam_ssh module which starts an ssh-agent that holds the password at login.

Best Answer

You need to put the identity files containing not encrypted private key into ~/.ssh directory of the user the service is running. Also, you need to set the HOME environment variable for it, for example if it is run as root:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/env HOME=/root /usr/bin/screen -S smd-loop-win -md "smd-loop"

Alternatively, if you have a control on how smd-loop invokes ssh you may add -I option to tell the ssh an identity file to use.

In any case the identity file has to be owned by this user and has to be accessible by this user only (chmod 0400 ~/.ssh/id*) .

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