Ssh – Shell loses keypresses when running SSH in the background

I'm experiencing a bizarre problem with SSH + Bash + when SSH is run in the background, the shell appears to randomly lose keypresses ~50% of the time.

For example, if I run:

$ ssh -N my-tunnel &
$ # typing becomes lossy

Then type "asdf", only the letters "a" and "f" might show up (although this is random and partially related typing speed; if I was typing at full speed, possibly only the "f" might appear).

This problem only affects the shell. If I run, for example, ssh -N my-tunnel & cat, characters are echoed as expected from cat. Key presses are lost once cat is killed and I'm back at the shell.

Other things to note:

  • Other terminal windows are unaffected
  • The shell returns to normal as soon as ssh is terminated
  • Using nohup ssh -N my-tunnel & doesn't change anything

So: what's going on here? And is there any way I can background ssh without breaking the terminal?

Best Answer

You should be using -n in addition to -N to prevent ssh from reading from the terminal.

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