Ssh – scp command fails executing cp


I am trying to use scp command to copy the r0.res file from local machine to a remote machine. I entered the following command:

scp -v /etc/drbd.d/r0.res root@

and I obtain this error:

cp '--' '/etc/drbd.d/r0.res' 'root@'

What could cause the command to fail? Many thanks.

P.S.: I have established ssh connection between the machine and I tested it out by creating the drbd.d folder on destination like this:

sudo ssh root@ sudo mkdir -p /etc/drbd.d

Best Answer

You are copying localy with your command, you create file 'root@', you should run:

scp /etc/drbd.d/r0.res root@

where path/ is your desired destination on machine

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