Ssh – Restrict FTP user to a directory


On a Ubuntu 11.04 server, I want to restrict a user to a specific directory (so he can't access the parents' directory) for FTP/ssh.
I created the user with adduser username and changed the target directory with usermod -d /home/path/to/directory username. This worked perfectly.

From what I found I have to modify a /etc/ftp/ftpaccess file but the file (and the ftp) directory does not exist. I tried creating it but it didn't change anything. Also I only want to restrict this user and not the others.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

The best way, is to use SFTP from SSH and jail the user.

in file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

make sure this line is uncomented:

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

Then configure the rule to match a group:

Match group sftponly
         ChrootDirectory /home/%u
         X11Forwarding no
         AllowTcpForwarding no
         ForceCommand internal-sftp

and lastly manage the users:

# chown root.root /home/user
# usermod -d / user
# adduser user sftponly


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