Ssh prompts for password despite ssh-copy-id


I've been using public key authentication on a remote server for some time now for remote shell use as well as for sshfs mounts. After forcing a umount of my sshfs directory, I noticed that ssh began to prompt me for a password. I tried purging the remote .ssh/authorized_keys from any mention the local machine, and I cleaned the local machine from references to the remote machine. I then repeated my ssh-copy-id, it prompted me for a password, and returned normally. But lo and behold, when I ssh to the remote server I am still prompted for a password. I'm a little confused as to what the issue could be, any suggestions?

Best Answer

sshd gets weird about permissions on $HOME, $HOME/.ssh (both directories) and on $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys.

One of my linux boxes ended up with drwxrwxrwx permissions on my $HOME directory. An Arch linux box absolutely would not log in using public keys until I removed 'w' permission for group, other on my $HOME directory.

Try making $HOME and $HOME/.ssh/ have more restrictive permissions for group and other. See if that doesn't let sshd do its stuff.

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