Ssh – passwordless ssh for another username


I want to do a passwordless ssh connection for a subversion project. Right now I'm using ssh+svn, and it's a little annoying, because I have to type the password any time I want to transact with the server.

I've found several tutorials on the web about how to generate a key for passwordless ssh, but they all seem to assume that I'm using the same username on the remote system as I am for my home system. However, the username that I use for ssh+svn is different that the user account name on the system that I'm running. How do I set this up properly? I haven't had luck with just changing the name in the key file.

Best Answer

You just have to supply the other system's username in the svn command:

$ svn co svn+ssh://otheruser@othersystem/path/to/repo

To answer your question's title, too:

$ ssh otheruser@othersystem

This causes sshd on the remote machine to look in ~otheruser/.ssh/authorized_keys for the public key corresponding to the private key on the machine you're typing the command on.

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