Ssh – ny way to improve Putty on slow connections


I'm working with putty but have a slow connection to the server.

It's not slow everywhere and I don't need to get it faster. There is latency between when I type and when the text is displayed in the terminal.

So the question : how to work with putty without the delay between my typing and the text appearing in the terminal.

So I found this putty options : local echo and local line edit, but sure I can't use hotkeys with it. I need hotkeys so the subquestion is : How to make a hotkey to enable / disable local echo+line editing.

Best Answer

When typing in a shell over an SSH connection, every character you press needs to be sent to the remote side, interpreted, and sent back to be displayed if appropriate. This involves at least set of packets to make a round trip to and from your ssh server. If your network connection has a lot of latency, this can become quite noticeable. Even if the overall bandwidth is slow, if the latency is moderate it is usable, but if the round trip time starts growing typing becomes painful.

The only practical fix for this is to reduce the latency in the network connection. If this is not possible use a local shell and write scripts to be executed remotely rather than working directly on the remote machine.

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