SSH jumping over socks(4/5) proxy chain. Host -> socks proxy -> socks proxy -> destination


I got a great answer for my previous question about connecting from Machine A to Machine C via Socks proxy located on Machine B.

Say Machine B Ip is and it is listening on port 1080

The command for that:

ssh -o ProxyCommand='socat - socks:,socksport=1080'

I wonder if it is possible to make a chain from the socks proxies.

Consider scenario: Machine A -> Machine B (Socks proxy 1) -> Machine C (Socks proxy 2) -> Machine D (destination)

Machine B IP: PORT 1080

Machine C IP: PORT 3128

Machine D IP: PORT 8080

I hope there is someone out there experienced with socat or any other tool as it seems pretty complicated for me at this point.

+100 for anyone who could give me the working answer.

debug of socat 1 command:

2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D read -> 8
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D received socks4 reply data (offset 0): 00 5c 00 50 c1 6b 90 17
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D received all 8 bytes
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] I received socks reply VN=0 CD=92 DSTPORT=80 DSTIP=
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] E socks: ident refused by client
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] N exit(1)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] I shutdown(4, 2)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D shutdown()  -> 0
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] I shutdown(3, 2)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D shutdown()  -> 0
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] I childdied(signum=17)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D waitpid(-1, 0xbfbea3fc, 1)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D waitpid(, {256}, ) -> 15641
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] I childdied(17): cannot identify child 15641
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D saving pid in diedunknown1
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] W waitpid(): child 15641 exited with status 1
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D waitpid(-1, 0xbfbea3fc, 1)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D waitpid(, {256}, ) -> -1
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] I waitpid(-1, {}, WNOHANG): No child processes
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] I childdied() finished

socat second command:

2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D socket(2, 1, 6)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] I socket(2, 1, 6) -> 3
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D fcntl(3, 2, 1)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D fcntl() -> 0
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D connect(3, {2,AF=2}, 16)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D connect() -> 0
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D getsockname(3, 0xbf8111cc, 0xbf811058{112})
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D getsockname(, {AF=2}, {16}) -> 0
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] N successfully connected from local address AF=2
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] I sending socks4 request VN=4 DC=1 DSTPORT=21 USERID=mnmnc
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D malloc(42)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D malloc() -> 0x8f1ec80
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D sending socks4(a) request data 04 01 00 15 3e f4 9f 9a 6d 6e 6d 6e 63 00
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D write(3, 0xbf811304, 14)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D write -> 14
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] I waiting for socks reply
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D read(3, 0xbf811234, 8)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] D read -> 0
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] E read(): EOF during read of socks reply, peer might not be a socks4 server
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] N exit(1)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] I shutdown(3, 2)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] D shutdown()  -> 0
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Best Answer


socat tcp-listen:12345,reuseaddr,fork,bind=127.1 socks:,socksport=1080

you will have a socat waiting for TCP connections on port 12345 on the loopback interface, and forward them to by way of the socks server on

You can then use that to connect to D:

ssh -o ProxyCommand='socat - socks:127.1:%h:%p,socksport=12345' -p 8080


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