Ssh – Is it possible to download extremely large files intelligently or in parts via SSH from Linux to Windows


I have a ~35 GB file on a remote Linux Ubuntu server. Locally, I am running Windows XP, so I am connecting to the remote Linux server using SSH (specifically, I am using a Windows program called SSH Secure Shell Client version 3.3.2).

Although my broadband internet connection is quite good, my download of the large file often fails with a Connection Lost error message. I am not sure, but I think that it fails because perhaps my internet connection goes out for a second or two every several hours. Since the file is so large, downloading it may take 4.5 to 5 hours, and perhaps the internet connection goes out for a second or two during that long time. I think this because I have successfully downloaded files of this size using the same internet connection and the same SSH software on the same computer. In other words, sometimes I get lucky and the download finishes before the internet connection drops for a second.

Is there any way that I can download the file in an intelligent way — whereby the operating system or software "knows" where it left off and can resume from the last point if a break in the internet connection occurs?

Perhaps it is possible to download the file in sections? Although I do not know if I can conveniently split my file into multiple files — I think this would be very difficult, since the file is binary and is not human-readable.

As it is now, if the entire ~35 GB file download doesn't finish before the break in the connection, then I have to start the download over and overwrite the ~5-20 GB chunk that was downloaded locally so far.

Do you have any advice? Thanks.

Best Answer

rsync --partial is one simple way to do it if you have rsync, since it runs over ssh just fine. What --partial does is keep a partially downloaded file, so you can just resume from where you got interrupted.

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