Ssh – “Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key” when trying to run program remotely


I am attempting to run an application (ParaView) in client-server mode with its graphics rendering being done on the remote (server) end. I am using SSH as my means of connecting to the server, but do not wish to use X-forwarding since it slows down the rendering process.

However, every time I try to open the application on the server's display, I get an error to this effect:

Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyError: cannot open display ':0'

I have conducted extensive research into this matter and have already tried the following suggested procedure to no avail:

  1. Used "xauth list" to get the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 value for my local host's display.
  2. Logged into the remote host via ssh.
  3. Used "export DISPLAY=:0" on the remote host.
  4. On the remote host, used "xauth add" to overwrite the cookie value for the remote host's display with that of the local host's.

I'm convinced that this is the correct procedure, but that I'm just not transferring the right cookies to the right displays.

Again, I would like to be able to use ssh to effect the opening of applications on the remote computer's display. Ideally, I would like the entire process to be done via xauth rather than xhost, and once again, I have no need to use X-forwarding. What might I be missing or doing wrong?

Best Answer


xhost +local: 

before running it.

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