Wget – How to Download a File to a Remote Machine Over SSH


I'd like to basically pipe a wget command to a file on a remote server over SSH. How can I do this? I know I could simply ssh into the server and have it download the file, but I'd much rather use the local machine to download it and send it.

Best Answer

So you are logged into a machine myclient and have ssh access to another machine myserver. You want to download a file over HTTP from a remove server www.example.com to myclient but the data needs to be saved on myserver. This should do it:

wget -O - http://www.example.com/whatever | ssh myserver 'cat >/path/to/remote/destination'

Alternatively, you could mount the myserver's filesystem over SSH with sshfs. This may be too much hassle for a one-off need, but convenient if you do this sort of thing often.

mkdir ~/myserver
sshfs myserver:/ ~/myserver
wget -O ~/myserver/path/to/remote/destination http://www.example.com/whatever
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