SSH – How to Use ssh-agent with Multiple Keys and Choose One


Let's say there are two keys A and B, both of which are valid for user@host public key authentication. Since authorized_keys is configured for different behaviour depending on the key, ~/.ssh/config on the client uses something like

    HostName host
    User user
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/A
    HostName host
    User user
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/B

That works fine. However, the moment I use ssh-agent and add both keys A and B (e.g. in order to enter their passphrases at login instead of when I call the respective ssh or ssh, the connection will always use the same id for both virtual hosts. Is there any way to specify which stored key ssh should use from ssh-agent without having to remove the other key?

Best Answer

As answered elsewhere, the trick is adding the option IdentitiesOnly yes which makes sure that only the configured keys will be used even if others are available from the agent.

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