How to Check OS X Version from Command Line


I frequently find myself SSHing into various OS X machines, and it'd be useful if I could tell what version of OS X I was on when I'm doing that. uname -a doesn't quite work, since Darwin kernel versions don't always change with the rest of the system.

Best Answer


My suggestion is to use sw_vers. Example output as of 10.6.4:

> sw_vers 
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.6.4
BuildVersion:   10F569

The answer that suggested system_profiler | grep 'System Version' is what I have tried to use in the past, but it has 2 problems.

  1. It is slow since it generates a full system_profiler dump of the machine, gathering all hardware and software inventory information.
  2. The output of system_profiler has changed over time. e.g. output of grep for 'Serial Number' on 10.6.4 is "Serial Number (system): ZNNNNNZNZZZ", whereas on 10.4.11 it was "Serial Number: ZNNNNZNZZZZ" - importance being the parse-ability of the output and the add " (system)" piece can be problematic unless you are expecting the change.
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