Ssh – How to ssh to servers internally by hostname without domain name


I need to log into multiple servers at work to get my work done. I'm getting tired of typing the FQDN of a server to access. I'm logging in/out via ssh on our own private network. I'm 99% sure it's on our own private network b/c all the servers have ip addr 10.x.y.z. Is there a way to ssh into servers with just the hostname and not the domain name?

We have servers in multiple countries. The way our servers are named is very long. It is named as follows:

I am getting carpal tunnel typing in

… every time I access one of our servers. If I'm in the US and I try to access another host that's in the US, I can just type ssh me@hostname2 and I connect fine. However, if I'm in the US and try to connect to a server in England, I can't type ssh me@hostname3.eng and connect to hostname3.

The workaround I did was setup an alias in my ~/.ssh/config file for some of the servers. However, I don't think it's feasible to add 1000+ servers into that file. I've already added 20+ servers and my co-workers think I'm crazy, although I think they are crazy for typing the FQDN when sshing around.

Is there an easy way for us to set up something so that we don't have to type in our each time?

Best Answer

You can wildcard and use %h in your config


Host *.eng

Now when you do ssh foo.eng it will try to connect to

You can add other options to this config as well; eg forcing the username

Host *.eng
  User me

Now when you do ssh foo.eng it will try to connect to as the user me.

% ssh foo.eng
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known

(well, obviously I get an error before it's not a valid hostname for me!)

So now you only need one rule per country.

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