Ssh – How to spot domain and https connection attempts to sshd


I'm running my sshd(8) listening on domain and https ports. (What else is there to run on these ports? 🙂

Obviously, real DNS (when falling back to TCP) and HTTPS clients might attempt to connect to my SSH server listening on these ports.
How can I find out how many connection attempts it receives from DNS/TCP and HTTPS/TCP clients?
Is there, for example, some pattern that I can search the server's logs for that is unique to a DNS/TCP client or an HTTPS/TCP client talking to an SSH server?
Is there some networking tool that can easily show this?

I have linked the OpenBSD /etc/services and sshd above, so I'm obviously interested in how to do this on OpenBSD primarily. But if there's a cross-platform way of doing this that isn't specific to any single operating system, please include it.

Best Answer

You can add content-based firewall rules that analyze the first few bytes of incoming connections. For example, under Linux, with iptables:

iptables -N notssh
iptables -A input -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --algo bm --from 0 --to 7 ! --string SSH-2.0 -j notssh

The counter on the notssh rule provides the number of times this rule was triggered since it was established or since the counter was reset with iptables -Z notssh. There's also a counter on the individual rules.

This incorrectly counts connections where the first packet of the TCP connection contains less than 7 bytes of the SSH protocol but that is rare in practice.

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