Ssh – How to speed up X over fast connection ? (especially over ssh)

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What are recommendations on speeding up X applications over local fast (gigabit) connections? (similar question for slow connections)

Currently I'm running over ssh -Y, which is fine, but I wonder if turning off compression could speed it up. If so, how do I turn off compression, encryption, and setup whatever you recommend:

  • without changing default sshd behaviour when modifying the configuration on the server side
  • preferably using command line options on client side

Best Answer

Partial answer regarding compression, from OpenSSH's man page ssh_config(5) (what you can configure using the -o option of ssh (i.e. ssh -oCompression=no) or ~/.ssh/config):

         Specifies whether to use compression.  The argument must be “yes”
         or “no”.  The default is “no”.

On the server side (sshd_config(5)),

         Specifies whether compression is allowed, or delayed until the
         user has authenticated successfully.  The argument must be “yes”,
         “delayed”, or “no”.  The default is “delayed”.

compression can be forbidden, but not forced, so nothing to do here. But, as this is the default, it probably doesn't help you speed up anything.

(Depending on your network situation, I guess you could probably get a speedup by using something insecure, e.g. a plain X11 connection, DISPLAY=myothercomputer:0.0 etc, or maybe consider VNC, too.)

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