SSH Networking – How to Recover or Kill an SSH Session After Losing Connection


I lost my connection while I was logged via SSH into my university server. Classic.

Now I can't log in since the session appears to be still running and
I get the error "Too many logins for 'myuser'". (Only 1 login for each user is allowed)

Is there a way to recover the session not having another access to the server (I can't reach any sysadmin until monday) – or the only way is just to wait for the session to time out?
Typically how long should I wait? More than an hour has already passed.

Best Answer

You could try running something like ssh -n remuser remhost kill -HUP -1. This would not create a login, so it might bypass the 1 login/user limitation.

If this does not work, then you might have to find someone who does have access, then run su remuser with your password from that person's account. Then you'd be able to run kill -HUP -1.

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