Ssh – How to get computer to remember SSH key passphrase between reboots


I've found various solutions to cache SSH key passphrases using such methods as ssh-agent, keychain, gpg-agent and so on. They all seem to cache it per-login or per-session, so that every time you reboot your computer, you will have to re-enter your passphrase to SSH (but subsequent SSHs won't ask for the password until you reboot).

I don't want the cache to clear on reboot. I want to enter the passphrase once, and never be asked for it again, even if I turn off my computer. How can I do this?

In case it matters, I'm on Manjaro.

Best Answer

The Gnome keyring can store an SSH passphrase and serve as an SSH agent. Make sure that you are running gnome-keyring with the ssh component; the environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK should point to gnome-keyring and not to ssh-agent. The keyring will contain the SSH key, so it doesn't need to be re-read from the key file in ~/.ssh. The keyring is persistent, so adding a key to it survives a reboot. Once you unlock the Gnome keyring, all of its contents including the SSH key are available to applications.

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