Ssh – How to find the cause of an ssh-scan exploit


One customer emailed my about their provider about to shut down a server because ssh attacks.

I logged in to the server and found a lot of ssh-scan processes, and some strange files in /tmp.
I had to shut it down, since I didn't know what to do. Before rebuilding the server, is there a way I can find out how this happened in order to prevent it from happening again?

Best Answer

SSH scans are usually brute-force attacks. They just try common usernames with easy, common passwords. I've seen a system get compromised using the guest account, with password ‘guest’. Sigh.

Most machines are sprayed with such packets all the time. As a blanket solution, I like to do two things on the firewall:

  • Use geoip and ipset to allow access to port 22/tcp from specific countries only. There's a unusually high percentage of these attacks originating in .cn netblocks, for instance.

  • Use rate limiting on 22/tcp SYN packets so that the same IP address can only connect N times a minute before getting blocked for 10 or 15 minutes. This deters scanning software, and also slows down potential damage to other people's networks. It's a community service.

There are other ways too depending on your needs and restrictions.

On the target computers themselves, you should also lock down system accounts and implement a password policy that forbids easy passwords (wordlist checking, minimum length, etc).

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