Ssh – How to enable systemd user sessions for remote logins on CentOS 7


I am trying to enable systemd user sessions on my CentOS 7 server. All the pieces seem to be there, and I have also run loginctl enable-linger <user>, but I don't have a systemd user session (or a session D-Bus).

What do I need to configure in order to have systemd user sessions started with my SSH logins, and long-term for linger-enabled users?

I successfully see my login session with loginctl list-sessions; however, there is no user session systemd process associated with it, and any systemctl --user operation fails.

Best Answer

I think it's a bug.

sys-apps/systemd-205 - systemd --user: Failed to create root cgroup hierarchy: Permission denied

The OP started using systemd-218 before it worked for him.

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