SSH Security – How to Disable Remote Root Login


How do I disable remote root login via ssh?

I want to log into my server (I use keys on my main comp) then su into root instead of access root directly.

I am using Debian. I follow guides online which say add PermitRootLogin no to the file and another mention Protocol 2. Then reset ssh. /etc/init.d/ssh restart. I did this and it did not work. I was able to log into root using putty.

How do I disable remote root login on Debian?

Best Answer

I'm going to take a guess on this one, but I'm pretty confident.

I bet there's a PermitRootLogin yes line already in your file. SSH will only use the first line it finds, and will ignore a duplicate further down. So if you just added PermitRootLogin no to the end of the file without removing the line above, there will be no effect.

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