Ssh – How to attach to remote machine’s local display session over ssh

remote desktopsshx-serverx11


Linux mint is running on a machine at my home. I have some gui applications open on it.

I'm away from home but want to get at the open applications. I have cygwin/x and I know how to ssh -X homecomputer, and I could run gui applications from there, but I want to get at the windows that are already open on the local display.

Is there a way to attach to the existing x session on linux without using extra software like VNC?


Best Answer

You can run both a VNC server and VNC viewer on the home computer, X-forwarding the VNC viewer through the SSH connection. It's VNC, but you don't need any additional software on the Cygwin/X side and everything is still secured over SSH:

cygwin$ ssh -X home
home$ x11vnc -display :0 &
home$ xtightvncviewer localhost:0
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