Ssh – Grant ssh access for single session


I wonder if there is a tool/modified ssh-server/ssh option which enables me to grant ssh access for a single session to a given user. What I want to avoid is creating a user account and password for the specific guest. It could instead use an existing user account with certain access rights to be set once. I do not want to share the same account information with everybody I grant access to. The access permission should either work only once/time out after a given interval or the tool should ask me if it detects an access whether I want to grant it. The idea is to share a line like

ssh tempuser001@host

where tempuser001 is tells the server who tries to access but does not correspond to a real user. The user could use his temporary privileges to do all the fancy things you can with ssh connections, like scp, rsync, and whatever works through tunnels likevnc, … The inspiration for this comes from teamviewer, a kind of vnc which permits a remote user to access my desktop once I shared an id with him.

Best Answer

One solution would be to use ssh keys for this.

You can specify a command to run whenever a certain ssh key is used to log into the server. By combining this with a simple login script you can get whatever access control you want.

Here is a quick example I whipped up which grants access until a certain date.

Add the user's ssh to the target user's authorized_keys file. In this example I add the date after which the user should no longer have access.


command="/etc/ssh/ 2013-04-05" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDc7nKsHpuC6WW8sBbf1j0snelmBsPAN5GQdJ86sJCyCsDzykvB2i2anLS/U131p0yDf0bU8W8kdsLE9pHQ5NLWlxlyWmFxdKujg4B+WxyHFKO0PHKfQhXEwMrYE4m9QwGYtsQrrWXBg4vQwUvOQDA4cNhdvNrIf/V+BGcdWtCXO/JGy7vkyKLd8LLHcZGsG3Pq5trHAKHaWkQgBN8P+atIX3FbwwQl4Ja020P7LW0ddPuUJxltOS11ZjdsG04s/xpL6JX3xi9FdDpO13SkQ5cqD0GIFkI+CLksqGYvvvpC7/22Rl4hc3nAcOIiwekylSB5rpU4LawF1IxCk0sg0BGr

And create the login script to be executed.




if (( $(date --date="$until" +%s) < $(date +%s) )); then
    echo "Your login has expired"


(don't forget to chmod a+x /etc/ssh/ after creating it)

Once access has expired it'll look like this

PROMPT # ssh localhost
Your login has expired
Connection to localhost closed.
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