Ssh – Getting Dropbox to sync over SSH


I am using Scientific Linux on my office computer and home laptop. I was usually signed in before I leave my office so when I made a change over SSH on my office computer, Dropbox would automatically sync the change.

But this time I rebooted my office computer using SSH with /sbin/reboot, and after signing in again it would no longer update Dropbox. I guess this is because Dropbox needs to be signed in once locally to continue syncing.

How can I set Dropbox syncing remotely over SSH on my office computer?

Best Answer

There is a dropbox command line tool that allows you to perform all sorts of tasks, including stopping and starting dropbox.

You could include a short snippet in your .profile or .bash_profile (depending on what you use), that checks if dropbox is already running, and if not, starts it:

~/bin/ running
[ $? -eq 0 ] && ~/bin/ start
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