Ssh – Generate own (stronger) RSA host key for OpenSSH


I would like to replace the default 2048 bit host key generated when installing OpenSSH or starting it the first time with one of 4096 bit length.

This leads to two questions:

  • Does OpenSSH allow running with a 4096 bit RSA host key (for SSH2 obviously)?
  • How can ssh-keygen be convinced not to prompt for a passphrase?

The version of OpenSSH I am running is 6.6p1.

Best Answer

Whatever key-length is supported in ssh-keygen most likely would work with sshd as well. Besides that, you should generate your host-keys with ssh-keygen -h anyways, so if ssh-keygen isn't totally dumb, it should inform you if the desired key-length is not supported for host keys.

The passphrase could be specified with -N; if you don't want the key to be encrypted, just specify an empty one (thus just hitting Enter if it prompts you would have the same effect).

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